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This is for our dear friends and family who have been following our lives over the past 12 years. We hope you will enjoy seeing pictures and hearing stories of our life "Overseas."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Waiting for Baby

Honestly, I'm getting a little impatient already and it is only August 12. My due date is August 15. Most likely baby will come 3-5 days after that - or even later. I have a "To Do" list, but don't really want to "do" anything, but get labor started. So, today I decided I would check off at least ONE thing. I cut Jack's hair. Here are some pics. What do you think? His hair is so darn straight it shows off every mistake. I usually cut one day, then fix it for the next couple of days, or Mike just gets the buzzer and fixes it for me. Jack was a real trooper - it took me a while. You can compare it to his hair in my last post.


  1. He is too cute! And I don't blame you about wanting to get on with having the baby! I had a dream about you last night! You had the baby, but I was the one who delivered it and Rachel helped! Dreams are so weird :) Can't wait to see pics of this new little one and hear how it all goes!

  2. Oh and it was a boy in my dream!! Wouldn't that be fun :)
